One New Thing

29 Oct

Part of my transition into becoming a full-time homemaker involved searching for a sewing machine.  I didn’t want anything fancy – just something I could use to stitch up some new projects, use to repair clothing, stuff around the house and so on.  I found a good, basic Singer on Craigslist for $40 – score!

The machine has been patiently sitting on my work table – just waiting for me to find a good project to work on.  First off, though, I had an urgent need to ferment some food, so that took up the first two weeks of my freedom.  Things are slowly working into routine now, so it was the perfect time to search for my first project.

Apron?  Skirt?  Hmm, no, nothing spoke to me.  Repurposed old sweater fashioned into fun new handbag?  OK!

Sweater Purse

I found this while blog surfing on Lemon Squeezy’s site.  It was Purse Week (best to limit it to a week, or I’d want purse year!), and she featured a guest tutorial by Create and Delegate.  I loved the contrast of the yellow sweater with the cheery interior, and it looked like it would be easy enough to attempt without getting in over my head (as I am prone to do with new projects).  I will attempt to add the link here, but here is address if it’s unsuccessful!  (

After hitting several thrift stores in town for sweaters, I came across a nice black cotton cable knit pullover for only$3.  The purse itself is easy – just some interfacing, batting, a quarter of fabric, some ribbon and handles.  I think the cost all told was less than $20 total.  The biggest expense was the handles (you could repurpose handles from an old bag), and the sweater (again, if I had one to reuse, I would have done that).  I finished it in about two hours.


Sweater Purse - interior

I would make some alterations to this next time I make one, in order to accommodate my sewing machine’s capabilities:  leave out the batting (or use something less lofty), use smaller handles (I had to hand stitch a portion when I attached the lining to the bag as my handles were too big to fit around the machine’s arm), and sew a couple of interior pockets on before attaching the lining.

All in all, though, it was a very satisfying first project: inexpensive, easy but still cute, and quick to complete.



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